What is Soft Tissue Therapy
Soft Tissue Therapy has evolved over the last 30 years through the work of a small group of pioneering therapists who kept increasing their clinical skills so they could meet the needs of their clients better. And those needs have also changed because Physiotherapy in the UK no longer includes the highly successful hands-on techniques that Soft Tissue Therapists now specialise in.
Soft Tissue Therapy is emerging as the only one using a range of hands-on skills that have proved effective in treating people with minor and chronic pain and injury for a very long time. Everyone gets these aches and pains during their life and so the carer and income potential for Soft Tissue Therapists is very strong.
It includes:
These are all put together within a Biopsychosocial framework of care. It is a person-centred approach to the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal pain and injury.
"We don't treat injuries; we treat people with injuries."
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